C A S S A N D R A   |   N I E L S O N


Cassie Nielson is a licensed cosmetologist of 10 years, with 7 years dedicated to the craft of lashing.


She first trained in classic while she was living in Utah, during a time where classic lashes were the main focus and trainings were very simple. In an effort to create customized shapes and textured lash lines, Cassie became really comfortable taking risks and navigated her own course to figure out a way to do things better. She loves creating custom lash sets that highlight a person's natural beauty. Now shes taking on the world of mega volume and never looking back!


Cassie has always had an innate desire to create something new and different. She jumped into the ballet world at 26 as a first time dancer and paved her way through a very unconventional late start, earning her BFA with a ballet emphasis. Nothing gets in her way of creating art!


When she's not lashing she's taking ballet classes, and when she's not dancing, she's lashing!  She is a  focused meticulous perfectionist but also easy going, goofy and fun. So only a little bit crazy ;) 

She loves cats (and all animals!) and is a kitten foster and avid rescue advocate :) Adopt don’t shop!